HDG consumption in Mexico up 12.0 percent in January

28 March, 2024 by

Apparent consumption of galvanized sheet (HDG) in Mexico increased 12.0 percent, year-over-year, to 364,000 metric tons (mt) in January, the eighth consecutive annual increase, according to data from the Mexican Chamber of the Iron and Steel Industry (Canacero) reviewed by SteelOrbis. 

HDG production increased 7.5 percent, year-over-year, in January to 286,000 mt, the tenth consecutive annual increase. 

HDG is the second largest steel export product in Mexico, with a total volume of 38,000 mt in January, 17.0 percent more compared to the same month last year. In imports, HDG was the third most imported steel product, with 117,000 mt, up 26.7 percent year-on-year.

Read More: Construction value in Mexico up 30.1 percent in January

Vietnam Steel by Hoa Sen Group

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