Hoa Sen Group was honored as TOP 25 Leading consumer goods and industrial companies (Forbes Vietnam)

29 November, 2023 by

With a brand value of at USD 44 million by Forbes Vietnam, Hoa Sen Group was honored in TOP 25 leading consumer goods and industrial companies in 2023.

On October 17, 2023, at the 2023 Brand Conference, an annual event organized by Forbes Vietnam with the theme “From Creativity to Permanence”, Hoa Sen Group was honored in the list of “TOP 25 leading consumer goods and industrial companies“.

Accordingly, Hoa Sen Group brand is valued at USD 44 million, as one of only 5 construction materials brands on this list.

This is the eighth year on which Forbes Vietnam makes a list of brands and calculates company brands by fields in the third year. This year’s list focuses on companies in the personal and industrial consumer goods sectors. Forbes Vietnam determines brand value based on financial data with the support of SSI securities company, applying Forbes (USA) method to calculate.

With more than 22 years of establishment and development, Hoa Sen Group is currently the No. 1 enterprise in the production and trading of galvanized steel sheets in Vietnam; ranked 11th in the Top 500 largest private enterprises in Vietnam 2022; Hoa Sen Group’s charter capital has increased 205 times from VND 30 billion to more than VND 6,159 billion; The number of employees increased 340 times from 22 employees to more than 7,500 employees; The number of branches has increased 160 times from the first 3 branches to nearly 500 branches – stores, Hoa Sen Home supermarket system spread across 63 provinces and cities; production system includes 10 large factories nationwide; and export channel network to more than 87 countries and territories. Hoa Sen Steel Sheet, Hoa Sen Steel Pipe, Hoa Sen Plastic Pipe brands have become National Brands which are loved and trusted by tens of millions of Vietnamese people.

Hoa Sen Group has chosen for itself the path of building a distinct brand based on the core business philosophy “Integrity – Community – Development”. Hoa Sen affirms its brand value by product quality meeting international standards, reasonable prices, fast delivery time, good after-sales service and a brand that connects the community, always strictly implementing the four gold commitments in sales: “Right price, right standards, right quality, warranty”.

With achievements in production and business and positive contributions to the community, Hoa Sen Group is honored to receive many noble awards at home and abroad: Second Class Labor Medal awarded by the President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Hoa Sen Steel Sheet, Hoa Sen Steel Pipe, Hoa Sen Plastic Pipe brands have been honored as National Brand 6 times in a row from 2012 to present; Hoa Sen Steel Sheet and Hoa Sen Steel Pipe were honored with the National Quality Gold Award in 2019-2020; Top Strong Brands – Sustainable Development 2022-2023; Reputable export enterprise for many years, etc

TOP 25 leading consumer goods and industrial companies” price once again affirms the position, reputation and commitment of a Vietnamese brand to always create the best value for consumers and society, aiming to become the leading economic group in Vietnam and the region.

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